Ten years ago, if you asked me about positive affirmations, I would have questioned what an affirmation is and the importance of saying them aloud. Now, after experiencing how positive affirmations can improve mental health and support a positive self image, I recognize my affirmations as a great tool for building self love and overcoming stressful situations.
If this is true for adults then imagine how impactful it would be for kids to practice self talk. From a young age, positive words are crucial for developing a growth mindset and often times teach children to build confidence, overcome negative thoughts, and acknowledge their feelings.
In this article, we’ll explore 100 positive affirmations for kids and young adults, plus ways for parents to promote a positive self talk culture.
What Are Positive Affirmations?
Positive affirmations are short positive statements used to discourage negative self talk by reinforcing positive thinking. In the case of children, practicing daily affirmations can be very beneficial since their brains are still developing.
Benefits Of Practicing Daily Positive Affirmations
Because positive affirmations work to combat negative thoughts, people who practice saying positive affirmations are more likely to spread positivity.
How To Practice Daily Positive Affirmations With Kids
When it comes to practicing affirmations with children, it’s important to consider all the ways we can engage with a child’s senses to encourage positive thinking. Here are some ideas you can use to help kids challenge negative thinking while building a growth mindset.
1. Never under estimate the power of a sticky note.
For many children, seeing is believing. One way to engage kids in a daily affirmation practice is to write down the affirmation on a post-it note and paste it in an area where where the child will frequently see it. Here are some of our favorite spots.
- Bedroom walls/ceiling
- Bathroom mirror
- Refrigerator
- Behind driver/passenger headrest in the car
- Inside lunchbox or snack bag
2. The “Repeat After Me” Game
Repetition. Repetition. Repetition. Another way to engage kids in a daily affirmation practice is to ask them to speak their affirmations aloud. If your child is unsure which affirmations to choose for the day you can help them by playing a quick “repeat after me” game.
Here are a few good times to recite affirmations:
- Getting dressed in the morning/night
- During breakfast/lunch/dinner
- Driving on the way to school
- Before an activity/event (sports, dance, etc.)
For older children, you can even continue a meaningful dialog by asking them to share an example of how they currently represent or intend to fulfill specific positive affirmations. By mirroring the positive phrases back to them, the child will need use their auditory processing skills to interpret the information.
Example #1
Child: “I am an amazing person.”
Parent/Guardian: “I agree! What are some of the things you do that make you amazing?”
Examples #2
Child: “I will make the most of this day”
Parent/Guardian: “I love the motivation! How do you intend to make the most of your day?”
You may be pleasantly surprised about what they come up with, but at least you know they’re applying their own positive affirmations.